
Discover customer insights faster than ever before

Run user interviews at lightning speed - uncovering new insights and opportunities for your product roadmap.

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Spending too much time on admin?

The way that we interview users is broken

Taking notes 

Note taking by hand leads to missed insights and lack of presence with the user.

Too many recordings

Reviewing full recordings for key insights takes 5x longer than it should.

Hidden trends

Finding themes in research is like finding a needle in a haystack!

For product people, by product people

Make discovery

Interview Assistant

Our zoom app lets you capture key moments in real time, so you will never miss a thing!

Actionable clips for key insights

Easily create and share clips with your team, to get greater buy-in on your product roadmap.

Find themes, as if by magic

Detect themes from your research as your interviews unfold, in one central location.


pm Feedback

What other product people say

photo Paul

Paul Lindsell

CEO & Founder of

logo quazard

I love the step-by-step nature of the platform, which allows you to stay focused on the most important tasks!

5 stars
Photo Dimeji

Dimeji Sofowora

COO & Co-founder of

logo helium health

The mentor we spoke to through BizNest was great and really helped us to get more clarity about the next steps to take.

5 stars
photo Robert

Robert Rizea

CEO & Co-founder of

logo RocketPal

We spoke to Dan who was very knowledgeable about startups and investment. We certainly got a lot of value from the call!

5 stars
Cameron Horton Headshot

Cam Horton

Senior pm, attribution

Attribution Logo

I'm tired of wasting my time manually setting up research projects and conducting lengthy analysis! 

5 stars
Jide Sofowora Headshot

Jide Sofowora

PM, jabil

Jabil Logo

We're excited to see how BizNest can help us connect the dots between user research and product.

5 stars
Jan Purkrabek Headshot

Jan Purkrabek

venture lead, fintech hub


BizNest reflects a top-notch tool that will likely prove very useful for the fintechs in our program.

5 stars

Build user-centric products

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